Richmond Tai Chi Class - 唐弘太極養生館 (TH Traditional Tai Chi)
Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits. It is also typically practiced for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique, demonstration competitions, and longevity. As a result, a multitude of training forms exist, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some of tai chi training forms are especially known for being practiced with what most people would categories as slow movement. Today, tai chi has spread worldwide.
Medical research has found evidence that tai chi is helpful for improving balance and for general psychological health, and that it is associated with general health benefits in older people.
Gum Ying Studio offers Tai Chi classes in Richmond taught by Sifu Tang.
Medical research has found evidence that tai chi is helpful for improving balance and for general psychological health, and that it is associated with general health benefits in older people.
Gum Ying Studio offers Tai Chi classes in Richmond taught by Sifu Tang.
Sifu Tony Hong Tang – Qigong & Internal Kung Fu master
唐弘師父 - 氣功師,內家拳師
- 12th generation successor of Chen Style Taichiquan
- Registered Acupuncturist in BC.
- Rewarded with golden metals for Traditional internal Kong Fu in Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Exchange Programme Game at 2005
唐弘師父 - 氣功師,內家拳師
- 陳氏太極拳第十二代傳人
- 中國武術裁判
- BC省註冊中醫針灸師
太極班一、宗旨 弘揚傳統太極文化,传承内家拳功的精髓,通過修煉太極拳以調氣通經,氣功針灸推拿以療疾,共達修身養性,祛病延年之效。
二、傳授拳、功 導師: 唐弘--氣功師,內家拳師,陳氏太極拳第十二代傳人,中国武术裁判,BC省註冊針灸師, 于2005年广州市传统武术交流比赛中获拳术金牌。 1、傳統陳式太極拳班 內容:傳統陳式太極拳拳架及推手、內功功法。以單式教學為主,注重基本功的訓練,對每一個動作進行細緻的剖析講解,並通過檢驗以進行校正,使拳架能真正符合太極之理,起到通經絡、修內功的作用。该班循环無端,可隨時加入。 2、傳統楊式太極拳班 內容:傳統楊式太極拳拳架及推手、內功功法。以單式教學為主,注重基本功的訓練,對每一個動作進行細緻的剖析講解,並通過檢驗以進行校正,使拳架能真正符合太極之理,起到通經絡、修內功的作用。该班循环無端,可隨時加入。 3、簡化太極拳班 - 以傳統的太極心法演繹簡化24式太極拳。 4 、形意拳班 - 為內家三大名拳之一,與醫道相通,具有極佳的健身防身效。 5 、氣功動功班 - 八節動功。疏通奇經八脈、十二正經,祛病強身、益壽延年。 6、靜功打坐班 - 靜功是動功的根本,內功功力在靜中生髮,在動中展現。靜功是步入上乘內功的金梯。 7 、按摩功法班 - 按摩功是集靜功、動功的精要於一體的修煉手段,既可輔助動功和靜功的修煉,也可以作為一門單獨的功法來操作,以收祛病強身開智之效。 |
Tai Chi Class Info
1. Purpose Carry forward Tai Chi cultural, passing on the quintessence of Chinese internal Kong Fu.
2. Teaching Instructor: Tony Hong Tang – Qigong & Internal Kung Fu master, 12th generation successor of Chen Style Taichiquan, Registered Acupuncturist in BC.Rewarded with golden metals for Traditional internal Kong Fu in Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Exchange Programme Game at 2005. Introduction of Taichiquan: Taichiquan is a gem of Chinese traditional culture. The theory is from the "Tao" & "book of changes". It's a very high level training for both body and soul. It's not only can improve people's health, but also can develop people's wisdom, and also has a very strong function for defense. Classes: 1. Traditional Chen Style Tai Chi Class 2. Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Class 3. Simplified Taichiquan Class ( 24 sets) Based on foundation of Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi. 4. Xing Yi Class Xingyi is one of the three major internal Gongfu with taichi and bagua. It’s very good on health and defence. Xingyi methods include five element forms, twelve animal forms, linking forms and various other practice sets. 5. Qigong Class 1 (with movement) 6. Qigong Class 2 (sit in meditation) 7. Self-massage class |
Class Schedule
Website 網站 : TH Traditional Tai Chi
Phone 電話 : 778-998-2638
Email 電郵: [email protected]
Phone 電話 : 778-998-2638
Email 電郵: [email protected]